We help kids sleep better, breath better and develop a natural smile.

Discover the power of myofunctional therapy in promoting healthy sleep, proper breathing, and facial development for kids.

Better breathing
Proper development of the whole body depends on breathing well. And that's where we start.
Better sleep
Better breathing means better sleep. And with proper breathing and function, we develop properly too. 
Better performance
When children breathe well and sleep well, they'll perform better as students and athletes too!

Poor smiles and mouth breathing go hand in hand.

Kids that primarily breath through their mouths unknowingly introduce obstacles that affect more than just their physical health. When you think about it, it’s not hard see how poor breathing and poor sleep can lead to trouble focusing and behavioral issues.
You may recognize further issues like…
  • Crowded teeth and poor facial balance
  • Poor sleep quality leading to brain fog
  • Prolonged bed wetting
  • TMJ pain and chronic headaches
  • Excessive and expensive dental issues
  • Weak lower jaws and gummier smiles

Empower your child to grow, breathe, and thrive.

We understand the unique needs of growing children and the profound impact that myofunctional therapy can have on their development. Trust Element8 to be your dedicated ally in promoting your child’s overall well-being.

Improve sleep and performance

Breathing well means sleeping well. And proper sleep helps the brain develop so our children can be the best student possible.

Restore facial harmony and balance

A beautiful face is seen as symmetrical and balanced, but that only happens when the face develops properly.

Enhance smiles the natural way

Braces aren’t the most ideal way to enhance a smile, the body’s ideal outcome will naturally create one! With the right input, a beautiful smile comes naturally.

Greater quality of life

Great breathing and great smiles are codependent. When we reach our fullest potential, our smile we be the emblem for amazing overall health.
Age - 11
18 months of treatment
High narrow palate, long tongue posture, crowded dentition and crossbite.
Myofunctional Therapy and oral development appliances.
Arch size expanded, crossbite corrected. Habits should now maintain corrections.

Concerned about your child? You’re not alone…

Every parent wants the best for their child, but sometimes all you can see are the symptoms your child is dealing with, not the root cause. Most parents are surprised to learn that children who have trouble focusing, behavioral issues, or struggles with wetting the bed are likely just exhausted from the effects of mouth breathing.
We are so glad we found BMD when we did because it’s important to correct issues while the child is still young.
Something else that was important to us because of our daughter’s anxiety at the dentist is great bedside manner. We are warmly welcomed each time we arrive and that warmth and feeling like you’re truly cared for is continued throughout the entire visit. Our questions are always answered and we never feel rushed. We really appreciate that!
Tiffany and Michael Seas
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We chose to go with Breathe Modern Dentistry using myo therapy over the traditional treatments because it was the least invasive approach, also because Dr. Smith, Candice, and his staff were so knowledgeable and had a passion to help others in this area. We could not thank Dr. Smith, Candice, and his staff enough! What could have been a lifelong struggle for our daughter is no longer an issue. We are so very grateful!
Thank you!
Shana Griffin
Click to view full case study
We have been extremely satisfied! To be able to take such a practical, straightforward, noninvasive approach to solve such a myriad of issues has been a godsend, and we have highly recommended Breathe’s program to numerous friends. The lifelong benefits for Riggs and his well being far and away outweigh the time and financial investment we made.
Kali Cavner
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Three steps to a healthier, happier child

Helping your child reach their fullest potential shouldn’t be a mysterious process. Here’s how easy it is.
Schedule a pro assessment
Book an simple but in-depth assessment with our myofunctional therapists.
Create a plan together
Every plan is custom designed for the needs of your child. Therapy sessions, appliances, whatever is necessary.
Here we go!
We’re now partnered in helping your child reach their fullest potential. Get ready to watch them thrive!

Here's some questions we'd like to answer.

Many parents wonder why they haven't heard more about this already, since it's such a life changing way to help our children! That's a great question, and you'll find the answer to that one and others we commonly get asked. 

Braces are a treatment for the outcome, not for the cause. And because braces don’t treat the cause, relapse is extremely common. We want to achieve beautiful smiles in the most natural way possible. Think of it this way, the tongue and proper breathing are the natural expanders, and your lips are your body’s natural braces. When those forces aren’t balanced, your teeth won’t either.

Therapy itself consists of a series of sessions, normally 30 minutes each. These sessions build on one another and unique exercises are taught and reviewed so we conquer proper breathing, proper tongue posture, and proper swallowing patterns.

Most cases are completed between 8 months to 18 months. The more significant needs obviously take loner, and paired with appliances the timeframes can take up to 18 months. The average is 8-10 months however.

Most sessions are only 30 minutes long.

We use a combination for your convenience. Younger children tend to do better in person, and the older the child the more often we’ll try to do virtual appointments. We don’t want children missing school or sports practices, so we work to make this is easy for everyone.

There’s a lot of free information on the web, but without diagnosing the right impairments, you won’t know where to start and which steps are necessary. The order and sequence of the therapy is custom designed for each child, this is essential to successful treatment. When paired with prescribed appliances, we can make some powerful changes that no one can achieve on their own.

Compliance of the patient is the most essential part of therapy. If the child isn’t consistent and the parents don’t encourage or support the child’s efforts, the results won’t be achieved. Some children just aren’t ready for therapy, which is something we asses during the initial consultation. We’ve postponed treatment for many children that we felt wouldn’t get the outcome that all want for the child. Compliance is the KEY FACTOR!

We’ve helped children as young as 3, but that’s not super common. The most appropriate ranges is 4-12, with kids between 6-8 being the optimum time for many children based on their cognitive maturity.

No, it’s never too late. We also treat adults in our general practice side, but the ages of development between 4-12 are simply the optimum time to correct the myofascial patterns so we amplify their developmental potential.

Yeah, great question. The research surrounding myofunctional correction dates back to the 1800’s, and myofunctional therapy was bigger than it was today in the early 1900’s. Around 1950, when orthodontic treatment really began to boom, the root cause was somewhat forgotten and the treatment of the symptoms became the primary focus. Regardless, the evidential support dates back more than 100 years, and it’s experiencing a resurgence in America!

The answer in research is clearly no. Genetics are the blueprint so to speak, but the child will dictate the outcome by the way they breathe, swallow, and rest their tongue and facial muscles. Genetics can play a part, but it’s usually the primary causes that are leading to the impairments, such as allergies, dietary habits, tongue ties, etc.

Therapy itself ranges from $2,000-$4,000, with the range mostly based on therapy with or without appliances. This is still less than the cost of comprehensive braces. At the same time, we get similar results the natural way and improve the overall health of the child, not just the appearance of the teeth! In many respects, crowded teeth are the least of all concerns that myofunctional impairments and poor breathing patterns will cause. Myofunctional Therapy goes far beyond just teeth, it doesn't stop there.

Believe it or not, it rarely does. Although dental insurance’s focus is typically on prevention, this isn’t one of those times. Until things becomes common place, insurance treats it like an outlier and won’t help the cause. But given the cost is lower than braces, you’re still likely to come out ahead!

Habits can unwind over time if the effort isn’t there. But once the therapy is complete, proper function becomes the new normal, and patients typically don’t relapse into their old habits.

Yes, often! We also treat adults in our general practice at Breathe Modern Dentistry, you can schedule an assessment as well.

It most often is. Grinding in adolescent years is normally triggered by smaller airways and disordered breathing, or allergies. A tongue-tie can also affect this as well, so if your child is grinding their teeth, let’s schedule as assessment and see what the cause appears to be.

For most children it is. Jaw development also relies on food density, as the more we use our muscles, the more the bone will grow in response. Our diets in America are extremely soft in comparison to the diets we had 100-200 years ago. Since we don’t chew harder foods, we don’t use the chewing muscles as much, and this is resulting in smaller jaws as well. Eating harder foods can be a huge help in assisting facial growth. Our appliances also encourage this effect!

It’s possible, and it largely depends on the severity of concerns and the age of the child when we begin. The later we begin, the less development we have to work with. The good news however is that braces, if needed, will likely not take near as long after therapy is complete and the results are far more likely to stick around. Relapse after traditional braces is observed in over 80% of cases, and given the root cause isn’t addressed it really isn’t surprising how common that is. When we remember that crowded teeth is only one symptom or poor muscle function and poor facial development, we’re reminded that this goes far beyond teeth and aims to address the root causes of jaw pain, TMJ issues, neck and posture issues, sleep quality, and the list goes on.
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