Post-Operative Instructions

Wonderful! You’re on your way to better oral health once again!


Remember swelling is a natural part of the healing process and it can be expected for the next 24-28 hours.
Pain is generally at its peak after numbness is no longer felt. If pain medications have been prescribed, take as directed.
Light bleeding or oozing is normal up to 24 hours but normally subside after a couple of hours.
Today we will be sending you home with packs of gauze. Lightly moisten gauze with water and place the gauze over the implant site(s) and apply pressure by gently biting down on the gauze. Check and change the gauze every 30 minutes until bleeding stops. If the bleeding continues you can also bite down on a tea bag. Avoid brushing and rinsing the implant site for 24 hours.
NO Drinking through a straw for 72 Hours NO smoking or drinking alcohol for 72 Hours Do Not rinse vigorously for 72 Hours NO strenuous exercise or heavy lifting for 72 Hours
If profuse bleeding continues 3-4 hours after procedure and pressure has been applied to the extraction site(s). If pain becomes severely more intense 72 hours after the procedure. Thank you for letting us care for your health, we never take it for granted and will always be here for you in the future! Please do not hesitate to contact our office if you have any questions or concerns.


Remember swelling is a natural part of the healing process and it can be expected for the next 24-28 hours.
Pain is generally at its peak after numbness is no longer felt. If pain medications have been prescribed, take as directed.
Light bleeding or oozing is normal up to 24 hours but normally subside after a couple of hours.
Today we will be sending you home with packs of gauze. Lightly moisten gauze with water and place the gauze over the extraction site(s) and apply pressure by gently biting down on the gauze. Check and change the gauze every 30 minutes until bleeding stops. If the bleeding continues you can also bite down on a tea bag. Avoid brushing and rinsing the extraction site for 24 hours.
NO Drinking through a straw for 72 Hours NO smoking or drinking alcohol for 72 Hours Do Not rinse vigorously for 72 Hours NO strenuous exercise or heavy lifting for 72 Hours
If profuse bleeding continues 3-4 hours after procedure and pressure has been applied to the implant site(s). If pain becomes severely more intense 72 hours after the procedure. Thank you for letting us care for your health, we never take it for granted and will always be here for you in the future! Please do not hesitate to contact our office if you have any questions or concerns.

Crowns, Onlays, Inlays, Veneers and Bridges

There’s nothing that makes us happier than giving you a healthy and beautiful smile you can be proud of! Below is some information on what we did today and what to expect following today’s procedure.

  • Your treatment today consisted of prepping your tooth/teeth for the placement of a porcelain restoration. Any decayed or damaged portion of the tooth has been removed and the permanent restoration was placed.

  • A local anesthetic was used today to anesthetize/numb the area treated. Typically the numbness lasts for several hours after the procedure. To avoid damage to your tongue, lips and cheek, avoid any chewing until the anesthetic/numbness has completely worn off.
  • It is normal to experience some sensitivity to heat, cold and pressure after your appointment. You may also experience jaw/muscle tenderness as well as soreness at the injection site(s) for a few days after the procedure today. As your tooth heals you may use over-the counter analgesics such as Ibuprofen to help with discomfort. You may also use a combination of Ibuprofen and Acetaminophen (Tylenol). We recommend that you take 600 mg of Ibuprofen ( 3 over-the-counter Advil/Motrin 200 mg tabletes) and 1000 mg of Acetaminophen (1 extra strength Tylenol) every 6-8 hours as needed for pain. DO NOT exceed 3000 mg of Tylenol in 24 hours. If you have any questions about these medications interacting with other medications you are currently taking, please contact your pharmacist or physician.
  • It will feel different than your original tooth. This is normal, and you should get used to the fit and feel after a few days.
  • Due to the effects of local anesthetic, it can be difficult to make sure your bite is exactly right. If your bite feels uneven once the anesthetic has worn off, a minor adjustment is usually all it takes to make you comfortable.

Give us a call if you need a bite adjustment or sensitivity doesn’t go away over time.

If a temporary restoration(s) were placed today avoid eating foods that are hard or sticky (gum, ice, almonds, taffy… etc). When flossing your temporary, floss through the contact and pull out. Do not pull back through the contact. If your temporary were to come off, this is not considered a dental emergency. You may use over-the-counter temporary cement that can be found at your pharmacy or make an appointment and we will gladly put it back on or make you a new one.
Thank you for letting us care for your health, we never take it for granted and will always be here for you in the future! Please do not hesitate to contact our office if you have any questions or concerns.

Dental Fillings

  • Anesthetic is usually used for dental fillings. Your lips and tongue could be numb for several hours after your appointment. It is recommended that you avoid chewing until the numbness has completely worn off to avoid injury.

  • Hot, cold, and pressure sensitivity is normal after your appointment. The injection site may also be sore. Over the counter pain medications should handle any discomfort.

  • If temperature (hot/cold), pressure, bite, or any unexplained sensitivity persists, or gets worse, call our office for an appointment.
  • Today we have completed the restorative work on your tooth/teeth. Any decayed portion of the tooth has been removed, and the tooth is now restored. The composite filling sets completely after they are placed, therefore, once the numbness has worn off, you can chew normally.
  • It is normal to experience some sensitivity to heat, cold and pressure after your appointment. You may also experience jaw/muscle tenderness as well as soreness at the injection site(s) after the procedure today. As your tooth heals you may use over-the counter analgesics such as Ibuprofen to help with discomfort. You may also use a combination of Ibuprofen and Acetaminophen (Tylenol). We recommend that you take 600 mg of Ibuprofen ( 3 over-the-counter advil/motrin 200 mg tabletes) and 1000 mg of Acetaminophen (1 extra strength Tylenol) every 6-8 hours as needed for pain. DO NOT exceed 3000 mg of Tylenol in 24 hours. If you have any questions about these medications interacting with other medications you are currently taking, please contact your pharmacist or physician.
  • Due to the effects of local anesthetic, it can be difficult to make sure your bite is exactly right. If your bite feels uneven once the anesthetic has worn off, a minor adjustment is usually all it takes to make you comfortable. Please call our office if you feel a bite adjustment is needed (you do not need anesthesia to adjust your bite and it only takes a few minutes).
  • It is uncommon for the tooth to be sensitive for several weeks or months after the appointment.


Patients can expect some mild swelling, pain and or discomfort as a normal process of wound healing. Generally, this is fairly mild and can be controlled with over-the-counter pain medications. Possible (but very rare) complications of frenuloplasty may include anesthesia complications, bleeding, pain, numbness, failure of procedure, voice and swallowing changes, infection, injury to adjacent structures, and scarring.
  1. Bleeding: It is normal to experience some bloody oozing during the first 1-2 days. If steady bleeding occurs, place gauze under the tongue to hold pressure and call Dr. Smith. If heavy bleeding persists. Please go to your local emergency department.
  2. Wound Care: You will be provided with gauze. Wet the gauze with water and place it on the surgical site. Leave the gauze in place for as long as you can for the first 24-48 hours. Replace the gauze as needed. (Use at night as well).
  3. Pain Medication: We recommend using Tylenol and or ibuprofen as needed for pain. If you are already taking chronic pain medications, please consult your pharmacist with questions and customize a pain-control strategy.
  4. Sutures: We use absorbable sutures that will fall off on their own within a week after surgery. After the sutures come out, we then encourage you to brush the surgical site with a soft toothbrush.
  5. Oral Hygiene: We recommend rinsing with salt water and/or alcohol-free mouthwash several times a day to keep the wound clean and reduce the risk of infection. Colloidal silver spray is an excellent antimicrobial option.
  6. Myofunctional Therapy Exercises: It is extremely important to perform the stretches and exercises as prescribed by your therapist to obtain the most optimal results. We especially encourage: waggle spot, flat tongue, skinny tongue (aka snake), light clicks, caves (aka suction and hold) and taco tongue.

Place a gauze at the wound site for 30 minutes, three times per day for the first 2 days.

  • Be gentle with exercises for the first 3-5 days.
  • Stretching exercises are better than strain.

At any time, call our practice if you experience any of the following:

  • Severe pain that does not improve with medication.
  • Brisk bleeding.
  • Severe swelling at the site of surgery.
  • Difficulty breathing.
  • Fever higher than 102 degrees fahrenheit.

Exercises: Keep tongue moving but gentle

  1. Waggle Spot: Tongue to R then L; R then L corner of mouth count of five then to the spot
  2. Waggle Flap: tongue up to nose, then down to chin.
  3. Fast clicks only: click your tongue as fast as you can, try to keep your mouth open at least half way.
  4. Snake: Protrude tongue out and then in
  5. Tongue on spot open wide: Place tongue on the spot. Move your cheeks back into a smile and then open your mouth very wide, count to 5 and then close it again while keeping the tongue on the spot. Really focus on stretching when you get open as far as you can.
  6. **Suction and hold: Make your tongue stick to the roof of your mouth by creating a suction. It may help to start by making a “click” sound with your tongue. Open your mouth as wide as you can, keeping your tongue suctioned up. Remember to keep your cheeks back and the entire tongue inside of the upper teeth. Don’t let the sides of the tongue droop down. Count to 10. Relax. Repeat for 1 min. (Suction is the beginning of a swallow, so it is imperative that you can do the suction before moving on to swallowing exercises.


Congratulations on taking the next step! But before you jump in, the Breathe Team understands you probably have some questions about what to expect, so here’s some answers to commonly asked questions!
  • You will wear your splint 24-7. You should only take it out to clean your teeth and the splint.
  • If the splint is out of your mouth for any reason, your teeth may not occlude (meet) in harmony. This is to be expected because of muscle relaxation while wearing your splint.
  • Consistent wear (even while eating) is imperative to obtaining treatment goals.
  • Treatment time is normally between 4-6 months depending on the extent and cause of your condition. It is very important that you’re compliant or you will never reach your goal.
  • You will come in once a month for adjustments and to tighten your splint/orthotic.
  • Appointment times are quick and easy! (usually just 10-20 mins).
Food will accumulate around and under the splint when you eat. Each time you go to brush your teeth, use your toothbrush to brush and rinse the inside and outside of the splint and return it to your mouth. Dental decay can be stimulated if you are not careful about cleanliness of your mouth and splint. Brush well and brush often.
When you first get your splint, you might find that it takes a little while to get used to it, and that the muscles in your face, head and neck feel a bit more achy than usual. This is a normal and necessary part of the process of getting them to relax to a more comfortable position.
Thank you for trusting us to relieve your discomfort to improve your life!

Scaling and Root Planing

Scaling and root planing is a non-surgical treatment of periodontal disease. The purpose of the treatment is to remove bacterial plaque and tartar from around teeth and under the gum line, which is causing bone loss. The goal is to produce clean, healthy teeth and roots, which will promote healing of the inflammation and infection that causes gum disease.

You may take an over-the-counter pain reliever for any tenderness or discomfort. Take ibuprofen (Advil/Motrin) or acetaminophen (Tylenol) unless you have medical conditions or allergies.

After scaling and root planing, avoid eating anything in the area being treated for two hours or until the anesthetic has worn off completely. It is easy to bite or burn your cheek, tongue or lip while numb. Avoid any hard foods such as tortilla chips, potato chips, popcorn, or seeds for the next several days.

To help soothe the area, rinse your mouth 2-3 times a day with warm salt water rinses. If you are prescribed OraCare, use as directed.

Resume your home care regimen of brushing twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush (electric toothbrush ie Sonicare) and daily flossing immediately, but be gentle with the area recently treated. Your gum health must be maintained with proper home care, as instructed, and regular dental visits. You may use a WaterPik/Airfloss if recommended.

It is not unusual for the teeth to be more sensitive to hot or cold temperatures, and/or sweets. This is normal. This occurs as the gum tissue heals and shrinks in size and should gradually resolve in a few weeks with proper home care. Consistently brushing two to three times daily with sensitivity toothpaste or using fluoride rinses may alleviate this over time. Avoid toothpaste with “whitening” or baking soda, as this will contribute to the problem. If sensitivity continues or is severe, professional application of a desensitizing agent may be required.

Refrain from smoking for 24 to 48 hours after scaling and root planing as tobacco will delay healing of the tissues. Smoking cessation is highly recommended.

You can expect to notice less redness, less bleeding, and less swelling of your gum tissues. Your teeth may feel smoother and your mouth will taste and feel better. We will look forward to seeing you for your regular periodontal maintenance to keep up with what we just accomplished together.

If you have further questions, persistent discomfort or swelling which occurs after your appointment, contact the office for instructions at (918) 393-0070

Teeth Whitening

KoR Appointment for Whitening Trays

You will wear your KöR whitening trays for a minimum of 14 consecutive nights while you sleep. If you are scheduled for an in-office whitening procedure, continue whitening every night until your whitening procedure. Your KöR Whitening kit includes syringes of KöR-Night Whitening gel. It is imperative not to leave your whitening kit with the whitening gel in the hot car after leaving your dentist’s office. Place the whitening gel into the refrigerator as soon as you can. Always keep the gel away from heat. Store your KöR Whitening Gel syringe(s) in the refrigerator when not in use. Do not freeze. If you’re traveling when whitening, keep your whitening gels with you. You are allowed to carry them on an airplane. When you arrive at your destination, keep the syringes in your air conditioned room. If you have access to a refrigerator, that’s even better. If irritation (such as redness, swelling, soreness) of the gums or the mouth occurs, and/or you experience extreme sensitivity, discontinue use and consult your dentist.

WARNING • Pregnant women should not use whitening gels. • Nursing mothers should consult their pediatricians prior to using whitening gels. • Avoid contact of the whitening gels and teeth desensitizer with the eye. • Keep KöR Whitening gels and desensitizer out of reach of small children. Instructions Start your whitening immediately before sleep. Do not watch television or read with KöR whitening trays in your mouth. Reading or watching TV while whitening may reduce whitening results, due to the increased salivation occurring when you are awake.

  1. Brush your teeth immediately prior to whitening. Fill KöR whitening trays Properly filling the whitening trays is critical to achieving maximum whitening results, because it ensures a proper seal of the whitening trays. Dispense a dab of whitening gel into each tooth on the inner side of the outer walls of the KöR whitening trays except in the second molars, which are usually the teeth farthest back in your mouth. Watch the KöR-Night Instructions video found at to see the proper tray-filling process.
  2. Seal the KöR whitening trays against your teeth
  3. Place the whitening trays over your teeth, and push the trays firmly onto your teeth.
  4. The thick gel will push the sides of the tray away from the teeth at the gumline a little. It is very important to gently push the tray back against the teeth until the edges of the tray contact the teeth next to the gumline.
  5. You should see just a little excess gel squeezed out of the edge of the tray as the trays are gently pushed back against the teeth. If you see an excessive amount of gel, the trays have been overfilled. Adjust accordingly the next night.This is VERY important to obtaining the best possible whitening result. When You Wake Up
  6. Upon waking, remove the trays, rinse your mouth and clean your KöR whitening trays with cool tap water using a Q-Tip in a rotating motion as shown on the instructional video. Avoid using warm or hot water, as it could affect the fit of your trays. Do not use the cotton swabs in your kit for cleaning your trays.
  7. Shake the excess water off the trays and place them back into the tray case; however, do not close the case if you will again wear your trays that night. Leave the case open so the trays will dry out before the next use.
  8. Then brush your teeth, and floss if you normally floss in the morning.
  9. Other Important Information AVOID STAINING FOODS During the at-home whitening process and a couple of days thereafter, avoid staining foods when you can. Foods to reduce or avoid would be any food or beverage that would badly stain a white shirt. WEAR KöR WHITENING TRAYS EVERY NIGHT If possible, do not skip nights when whitening. Consecutive nightly whitening is important to obtaining the very best result.

  10. Keep your whitening trays away from heat – heat will distort them. Do not leave them in a hot car. Do not put or wash them in warm or hot water.
  11. Keep your whitening trays out of reach of small children and pets. Dogs love to chew on whitening trays.
  12. Store your KöR whitening trays safely. Keep them in the case provided. Place your trays loosely in the tray case as shown in the instructional video, and close the case. Improper placement of trays in the case can permanently distort and destroy the trays. You may expect some slight gum sensitivity from wearing the trays, and your teeth may feel slightly sensitive. If you should feel more than slight sensitivity of the teeth or gums, call your dentist. You may notice the color of your teeth starts to look uneven. They may develop white spots. The area of the teeth near the gum line may look dark (this is because the rest of the tooth will have become lighter by comparison); or the color may look too opaque (chalky). This is normal and usually evens-out in a week or two after whitening is finished. You may find that your lower teeth do not lighten as quickly as your upper teeth. Again, this is normal. If there is a noticeable difference between the upper and lower teeth when whitening is completed, your dentist may recommend an additional week of whitening on the lower teeth.

Ortho Aligners


It is very important that you follow these instructions to successfully complete your refined treatment. Bring your aligners to every appointment at our office.


ALWAYS keep your aligner in a safe place when you are not wearing it. Do not leave it in your car during the summer – heat will distort the plastic. Keep your aligners away from pets (pets will chew on the plastic)!

YOU WILL experience soreness on day 2 or 3 from your aligner. It is normal for the second week for the aligners to not fit as tightly.

NEVER eat anything while wearing your aligners. It’s OK to drink water while wearing the aligners, but remove them if you drink other beverages. (Other beverages may stain aligners)

If you forget to wear one of your aligners, do not move to the next aligner. Wear the aligner full-time for a few more days before moving to the next one.


To keep your aligners shiny, products like Retainer Brite or Efferdent work great. You can find these products at most stores in the toothpaste aisle. Any store-brand denture cleaner works well, too.

It’s OK to brush them with toothpaste, but toothpaste can make the plastic look dull or cloudy.

NEVER place your aliger in hot water or mouthwash. Heat can distort the plastic and ruin the aligners.


If you lose your aligner, if your aligner breaks, or if it is not fitting correctly…


There is a charge to replace lost or broken aligners or to replace aligners that do not fit due to lack of wear.


Aligners should be worn for 22 out of 24 hours of the day. That means wear them all the time unless eating food. This is the only way to get your teeth to make the needed movements while wearing the aligners.

Removable Clear Retainer


It is very important that you follow these instructions to successfully complete your orthodontic treatment. Bring your retainers to every appointment at our office.


Wear your retainer night and day for the first three months, and then you can switch to wearing them only at night.

ALWAYS keep your retainer in a safe place when you are not wearing it. Do not leave it in your car during the summer – heat will distort the plastic. Keep your retainers away from pets (pets will chew on the plastic)!

NEVER eat anything while wearing your retainers. It’s OK to drink water while wearing the retainers, but remove them if you drink other beverages.

If you forget to wear your retainer, wear the retainer full-time for a few days to realign your teeth. Your teeth may be sore while they realign. If you cannot push the retainer in place or it does not fit, call our office as soon as possible.


ALWAYS brush your retainer when you brush your teeth.

To keep your retainer shiny, products like Retainer Brite or Efferdent work great. You can find these products at most stores in the toothpaste aisle. Any store-brand denture cleaner works well, too.

It’s OK to brush them with toothpaste, but toothpaste can make the plastic look dull or cloudy.

NEVER place your retainer in hot water or mouthwash. Heat can distort the plastic and ruin the retainer.


If you lose your retainer, if your retainer breaks, or if it is not fitting correctly…


There will be a charge to replace lost or broken retainers or to replace retainers that do not fit due to lack of wear.

Removable Growth Appliance (RGGA)


Wonderful! You’re on your way to long term success and health, by guiding the upper jaw to reach its full potential, the lower jaw can also reach its intended size. The normal treatment time is 8-12 months.


  • Normal facial balance
  • Nasomaxillary complex
  • Mandibular position
  • Symmetry
  • Stable Class I cuspid occlusion
  • Lip Seal (Competent lips and strong orbicularis oris)
  • Nasal Breathing (Healthy airway)
  • Absence of Tongue Habits
  • Posture

ADJUSTMENTS (You will not experience any soreness)

  • Appointments: Every 4-6 weeks; 15-20 minutes
  • First month: You will experience a “lisp” do not be discouraged, this will go away within a week. You will begin eating in the appliance slowly. It should take about a week to be able to eat without difficulty.Try chewing SUGAR FREE gum while wearing the appliance as much as possible with the lips together and sealed.
  • Second month: Use “Breathe Right Strips” (Amazon) during sleep to encourage nasal breathing and create a lip seal.
  • You will start turning your appliance ONLY if you have been compliant.
  • Third month: Assistant will adjust occlusal pads by reducing the thickness of the occlusal pads and tighten appliance.
  • Sixth-Eighth month: Screw may be extended to predetermined amount, usually 6-8 mm. When this happens, you will no longer turn appliance. You will continue to wear the appliance 24/7 for another 3-4 months. FRLAs will be placed and Dr. will monitor your progress every 6 months.
Thank you for letting us care for your health and trusting us with the process!

Fixed Growth Guidance Appliance (FGGA)


Everybody is different which means the treatment process varies per person. The full process depends on you, your face and the level of correction needed. Typically this appliance can grow the jaw 1-2 mm per month, so it is important to come in every 4-6 weeks so Dr. Smith or an assistant can adjust the appliance.


  • Normal facial balance
  • Nasomaxillary complex
  • Mandibular position
  • Symmetry
  • Stable Class I cuspid occlusion
  • Stable Temporomandibular Joints

And that the following be ideally achieved:

  • Lip Seal (Competent lips and strong orbicularis oris)
  • Nasal Breathing (Healthy airway)
  • Absence of Tongue Habits
  • This appliance in association with the “BIG 3”, eliminates cants, excessive gingival show, and remodels the Naso-Maxillary Complex to a more functional structure.
  • Can cure existing TMJ, sleep apnea symptoms, avoid jaw surgery, and provides superior stimulation to the Ramus allowing both jaws to develop.


  • Appointments: Every 4-6 weeks; 20-30 minutes
  • You will not experience any pain when the assistant activates the appliance. You may experience minor pressure. If your front teeth become sensitive, space or changes on your anterior teeth, your appliance may be loose. You will need to call the office ASAP.

Is FGGA’s painful to wear?

You may experience minor irritation to soft tissues that come into contact with parts of the appliance. It may help to apply orthodontic wax over areas that rub against the cheek or tongue. Beyond this temporary soft-tissue irritation, you usually encounter no side effects or pain throughout your treatment. Your appliance may increase your chances of getting a cold sore/canker sores, plaque, puffy gums, and bad breath. The office provides OraCare to help prevent these issues. OraCare is a two-part mouth rinse system that uses activated chlorine dioxide to help improve your oral health.

Post-Op Fixed Growth Appliance (FGGA)


Wonderful! You’re on your way to long-term success and health. Here are a couple of questions and answers that we commonly get when we begin this stage of treatment:

How long will treatment likely take?

  • The appliance typically remodels the maxilla around 1mm per month of treatment. So depending on the goals of your treatment, the timing will vary. (Ex. 6mm normally takes around 6 months.)

How do I keep things clean?

Brush the appliance well every time you brush your teeth. It’s important to be really thorough as the appliance can easily trap food and bacteria around your teeth if diligence isn’t given to your home care. Small flossers are helpful for cleaning between the teeth with the appliance in place. Ora-care is another great addition to maintaining great hygiene during this process.

What about adjustments?

We will need to see you every 4 weeks for activation. These appointments are normally quick! (15 minutes). We’re ensuring the appliance is still bonded on entirely and we will be reactivating the appliance’s springs.

You may experience minor pressure when the appliance is activated. If your front teeth become sensitive, space or changes on your anterior teeth, your appliance may be loose. You will need to call the office ASAP so we can set aside enough time to get you fixed up.

Is this appliance painful to wear?

You may experience minor irritation to soft tissues that come into contact with parts of the appliance. It may help to apply orthodontic wax over areas that rub against the cheek or tongue. Your appliance may increase your chances of getting a cold sore/canker sores, plaque, puffy gums, and bad breath. The office provides OraCare to help prevent these issues.

Thank you for letting us care for your health and trusting us with the process!


Follow these recommendations to maximize your orthodontic treatment:

  • Brush and floss your teeth. Healthy teeth respond best to consistent oral hygiene. Maintain the quality of your braces. Remember to use all your angles when brushing. (Upper, lower, and middle) It is very critical to maintain your brushing to prevent cavities, “white spots”, and your gums from inflammation.
  • along with your teeth helps assure the best outcomes.
  • Keep your appointments and follow directions. Your orthodontic success involves routine progress checks. Adjustments and observation can keep you on-track and eliminate an extended treatment period.
  • Be patient. Treatment times vary. Your teeth will adjust at their own pace and according to the recommended course of treatment prescribed for you.

Thank you for letting us be a part of your orthodontic goals!

Tooth Brushing and Flossing

Brush your teeth and gums thoroughly after each meal. Floss at least once a day after brushing. Brushing and flossing around braces is sometimes challenging and time consuming, but very important!

  • Brush your teeth in all directions.
  • Use of a fluoridated toothpaste is recommended. (If toothpaste is unavailable, brush without.)
  • Use your fluoride mouth rinse each night after brushing prior to bedtime.
  • A waterpik is very useful! (try using it in the shower to avoid a mess)

Eating Habits

Be gentle with braces and avoid chewing hard and/or sticky food. Examples:

  • No gum, caramels, taffy or whole bagels.
  • No popcorn, nuts or ice cubes.
  • Cut raw fruits and vegetables into sections.
  • Cut corn off the cob.
  • Don’t bite into chicken or ribs on the bone.

Helpful Hints for Irritation

  • Pain can occur when orthodontic treatment first begins. Muscle and tooth soreness can last for 24-48 hours
  • Use your wax to cover the appliance.
  • Rinse your mouth with warm salt water or oracare (we provide it in our office!)
  • For tooth soreness take a mild analgesic or whatever you would normally take for a headache or similar pain.


  • Feel free to call if there are any questions.
  • Call immediately if a wire breaks or if a band or bracket comes loose. We need to schedule a special appointment to repair it.
  • Please call 24 hours in advance to cancel an appointment.

Important – Do Not Forget!

  • Broken brackets or poor hygiene will prolong treatment.
  • Cooperation in wearing elastics is very important to treatment success.
  • See your dentist for regular dental check-ups.

We hope that you smile proudly, never hesitating to show the world that you are in the middle of an exciting transformation!

Orthodontic Food List And Tips


  • Popcorn( Hulless popcorn is fine to eat)
  • Nuts
  • Hard taco shells
  • Sticky and hard candy
  • Gum
  • Ice
  • Pretzels (Hard Pretzels)
  • Hard cookies or crackers
  • Sticky or hard chocolate
  • Caramel
  • Beef Jerky
  • All hard and sticky candy
  • Bagels
  • DO NOT chew on pens, pencils, straws, or fingernails

Try to avoid biting into hard foods with your front teeth. When possible, cut up these hard foods into smaller pieces:

  • Fruit and vegetables ( cut fruit and vegetables into small bite size pieces)
  • Breads (tear into small bite size pieces)
  • Pizza ( tear crust into bite size pieces)
  • Meat (cut into bite size pieces)
  • Burgers (cut in half)
  • Sub sandwiches
  • Corn on the cob
  • Chips (break into bite size pieces)
  • Meat on the bone (cut meat off the bone into small pieces)
  • Sugary drinks and soda (limit to special occasions)

Hard foods may do damage by bending wires, loosening cement under the bands and/or brackets. Sticky foods may damage appliances by bending wires and pulling cement loose. Avoid foods high in sugar content whenever possible. If you do eat any of them, eat them only at the end of a meal and brush your teeth immediately. If it is not convenient to brush, then always rinse your mouth with water after eating very sweet foods like candy and soda. Damage to braces may result in treatment taking longer to complete.

Patients that participate in sports that require a mouth guard should ask us about an orthodontic mouth guard.

In case of any accidents involving the face, be sure to check your mouth and the appliances. If any appliances are loosened or damaged, contact our office immediately.

Still have questions?
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